Alteration and the Function of Intestinal Microbiota in High-Fat-Diet- or Genetics-Induced Lipid Accumulation

Qiao, F., Tan, F., Li, L.Y., Lv, H.B., Chen, L., Du, Z.Y., Zhang, M.L.
Frontiers in microbiology   12: 741616 (Journal)
Registered Authors
Du, Zhen-Yu, Qiao, Fang, Zhang, Mei-Ling
16S rRNA sequencing, diet, gut microbiota, host genetics, lipid accumulation, obesity
MeSH Terms
34603270 Full text @ Front Microbiol
Diet and host genetics influence the composition of intestinal microbiota, yet few studies have compared the function of intestinal microbiota in the diet- or genotype-induced lipid deposition, which limits our understanding of the role of intestinal bacteria in metabolic disorders. The lipid accumulation in wild-type zebrafish fed with control (CON) or high-fat (HF) diet and two gene-knockout zebrafish lines (cpt1b-/- or pparab-/-) fed with control diet was measured after a 4-week feeding experiment. The intestinal microbiota composition of these groups was investigated using 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing (DNA-based) and 16S rRNA sequencing (RNA-based). The HF diet or deficiency of two genes induced more weight gain and higher triglyceride content in the liver compared with their control group. 16S rRNA gene sequencing (DNA-based) indicated the decreased abundance of Proteobacteria in the HF group compared with CON, but there was no significant difference in bacterial α diversity among treatments. 16S rRNA sequencing (RNA-based) confirmed the decreased abundance of Proteobacteria and the bacterial α diversity in the HF group compared with CON. Deficiency of cpt1b or pparab showed less change in microbiota composition compared with their wild-type group. Intestinal microbiota of each group was transferred to germ-free zebrafish, and the quantification of Nile red staining indicated that the intestinal microbiota of the HF group induced more lipid accumulation compared with CON, whereas intestinal microbiota of cpt1b-/- and pparab-/- zebrafish did not. The results showed that RNA-based bacterial sequencing revealed more bacterial alteration than DNA-based bacterial sequencing. HF diet had a more dominant role in shaping gut microbiota composition to induce lipid accumulation compared with the gene-knockout of cpt1b or pparab in zebrafish, and the transplant of intestinal microbiota from HF-fed fish induced more lipid deposition in germ-free zebrafish. Together, these data suggested that a high-fat diet exerted a more dominant role over the deletion of cpt1b or pparab on the intestinal bacterial composition, which corresponded to lipid accumulation.
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Mutations / Transgenics
Human Disease / Model
Sequence Targeting Reagents
Engineered Foreign Genes