ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-120806-1
Molecular Mechanisms of Regeneration
PI/Director: Jopling, Chris
Contact Person: Jopling, Chris
Email: chris.jopling@igf.cnrs.fr
Address: Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle 141 rue de la Cardonille 34094 Montpellier cedex 05 France
Country: France
Phone: +33 4 34 35 92 53
Fax: +33 4 67 54 24 32
Line Designation: mmr

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Faucherre, Adele Post-Doc Redt-Clouet, Christelle Post-Doc Gangatharan, Girisaran Graduate Student

Rolland, L., Abaroa, J.M., Faucherre, A., Drouard, A., Jopling, C. (2024) The ion channel Trpc6a regulates the cardiomyocyte regenerative response to mechanical stretch. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine. 10:11860861186086
Montnach, J., Millet, H., Persello, A., Meudal, H., De Waard, S., Mesrica, P., Ribeiro, B., Richard, J., Hivonnait, A., Tessier, A., Lauzier, B., Charpentier, F., Mangoni, M.E., Landon, C., Jopling, C., De Waard, M. (2023) Optical Control of Cardiac Rhythm by In Vivo Photoactivation of an ERG Channel Peptide Inhibitor. Circulation research. 133:535538535-538
Lelièvre, E., Bureau, C., Bordat, Y., Frétaud, M., Langevin, C., Jopling, C., Kissa, K. (2023) Deficiency in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia-associated Endoglin elicits hypoxia-driven heart failure in zebrafish. Disease models & mechanisms. 16(5):
Rolland, L., Torrente, A.G., Bourinet, E., Maskini, D., Drouard, A., Chevalier, P., Jopling, C., Faucherre, A. (2023) Prolonged Piezo1 Activation Induces Cardiac Arrhythmia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24(7):
Odelin, G., Faucherre, A., Marchese, D., Pinard, A., Jaouadi, H., Le Scouarnec, S., FranceGenRef Consortium, Chiarelli, R., Achouri, Y., Faure, E., Herbane, M., Théron, A., Avierinos, J.F., Jopling, C., Collod-Béroud, G., Rezsohazy, R., Zaffran, S. (2023) Variations in the poly-histidine repeat motif of HOXA1 contribute to bicuspid aortic valve in mouse and zebrafish. Nature communications. 14:15431543
Rolland, L., Jopling, C. (2023) The multifaceted nature of endogenous cardiac regeneration. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine. 10:11384851138485
Rolland, L., Harrington, A., Faucherre, A., Abaroa, J.M., Gangatharan, G., Gamba, L., Severac, D., Pratlong, M., Moore-Morris, T., Jopling, C. (2022) The regenerative response of cardiac interstitial cells. Journal of molecular cell biology. 14(10):
Arel, E., Rolland, L., Thireau, J., Torrente, A.G., Bechard, E., Bride, J., Jopling, C., Demion, M., Le Guennec, J.Y. (2022) The Effect of Hypothermia and Osmotic Shock on the Electrocardiogram of Adult Zebrafish. Biology. 11(4):
Montnach, J., Blömer, L.A., Lopez, L., Filipis, L., Meudal, H., Lafoux, A., Nicolas, S., Chu, D., Caumes, C., Béroud, R., Jopling, C., Bosmans, F., Huchet, C., Landon, C., Canepari, M., De Waard, M. (2022) In vivo spatiotemporal control of voltage-gated ion channels by using photoactivatable peptidic toxins. Nature communications. 13:417
Moreau, A., Reisqs, J.B., Delanoe-Ayari, H., Pierre, M., Janin, A., Deliniere, A., Bessière, F., Meli, A.C., Charrabi, A., Lafont, E., Valla, C., Bauer, D., Morel, E., Gache, V., Millat, G., Nissan, X., Faucherre, A., Jopling, C., Richard, S., Mejat, A., Chevalier, P. (2021) Deciphering DSC2 arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy electrical instability: From ion channels to ECG and tailored drug therapy. Clinical and translational medicine. 11:e319
Forner-Piquer, I., Klement, W., Gangarossa, G., Zub, E., de Bock, F., Blaquiere, M., Maurice, T., Audinat, E., Faucherre, A., Lasserre, F., Ellero-Simatos, S., Gamet-Payrastre, L., Jopling, C., Marchi, N. (2021) Varying modalities of perinatal exposure to a pesticide cocktail elicit neurological adaptations in mice and zebrafish. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987). 278:116755
Forner-Piquer, I., Faucherre, A., Byram, J., Blaquiere, M., de Bock, F., Gamet-Payrastre, L., Ellero-Simatos, S., Audinat, E., Jopling, C., Marchi, N. (2020) Differential impact of dose-range glyphosate on locomotor behavior, neuronal activity, glio-cerebrovascular structures, and transcript regulations in zebrafish larvae. Chemosphere. 267:128986
Giribaldi, J., Haufe, Y., Evans, E.R.J., Amar, M., Durner, A., Schmidt, C., Faucherre, A., Moha Ou Maati, H., Enjalbal, C., Molgó, J., Servent, D., Wilson, D.T., Daly, N.L., Nicke, A., Dutertre, S. (2020) Backbone Cyclization Turns a Venom Peptide into a Stable and Equipotent Ligand at Both Muscle and Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors. Journal of medicinal chemistry. 63(21):12682-12692
Faucherre, A., Maati, H.M.O., Nasr, N., Pinard, A., Theron, A., Odelin, G., Desvignes, J.P., Salgado, D., Collod-Béroud, G., Avierinos, J.F., Lebon, G., Zaffran, S., Jopling, C. (2020) Piezo1 and outflow tract and aortic valve development. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 143:51-62
Nasr, N., Faucherre, A., Borsotto, M., Heurteaux, C., Mazella, J., Jopling, C., Moha Ou Maati, H. (2018) Identification and characterization of two zebrafish Twik related potassium channels, Kcnk2a and Kcnk2b. Scientific Reports. 8:15311
Lozano-Ortega, M., Valera, G., Xiao, Y., Faucherre, A., López-Schier, H. (2018) Hair cell identity establishes labeled lines of directional mechanosensation. PLoS Biology. 16:e2004404
Giribaldi, J., Wilson, D., Nicke, A., El Hamdaoui, Y., Laconde, G., Faucherre, A., Moha Ou Maati, H., Daly, N.L., Enjalbal, C., Dutertre, S. (2018) Synthesis, Structure and Biological Activity of CIA and CIB, Two α-Conotoxins from the Predation-Evoked Venom of Conus catus.. toxins. 10(6)
Rambeau, P., Faure, E., Théron, A., Avierinos, J.F., Jopling, C., Zaffran, S., Faucherre, A. (2017) Reduced aggrecan expression affects cardiac outflow tract development in zebrafish and is associated with bicuspid aortic valve disease in humans. International Journal of Cardiology. 249:340-343
Gómez-Santacana, X., Pittolo, S., Rovira, X., Lopez, M., Zussy, C., Dalton, J.A., Faucherre, A., Jopling, C., Pin, J.P., Ciruela, F., Goudet, C., Giraldo, J., Gorostiza, P., Llebaria, A. (2017) Illuminating Phenylazopyridines To Photoswitch Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors: From the Flask to the Animals. ACS central science. 3:81-91
Rovira, X., Trapero, A., Pittolo, S., Zussy, C., Faucherre, A., Jopling, C., Giraldo, J., Pin, J.P., Gorostiza, P., Goudet, C., Llebaria, A. (2016) OptoGluNAM4.1, a Photoswitchable Allosteric Antagonist for Real-Time Control of mGlu4 Receptor Activity. Cell chemical biology. 23(8):929-34
Faucherre, A., Kissa, K., Nargeot, J., Mangoni, M.E., Jopling, C. (2016) Comment on: 'Homozygous knockout of the piezo1 gene in the zebrafish is not associated with anemia'. Haematologica. 101:e38
Xiao, Y., Faucherre, A., Pola-Morell, L., Heddleston, J.M., Liu, T.L., Chew, T.L., Sato, F., Sehara-Fujisawa, A., Kawakami, K., López-Schier, H. (2015) High-resolution live imaging reveals axon-glia interactions during peripheral nerve injury and repair in zebrafish. Disease models & mechanisms. 8:553-564
Pujol-Martí, J., Faucherre, A., Aziz-Bose, R., Asgharsharghi, A., Colombelli, J., Trapani, J.G., López-Schier, H. (2014) Converging Axons Collectively Initiate and Maintain Synaptic Selectivity in a Constantly Remodeling Sensory Organ. Current biology : CB. 24(24):2968-74
Bonetti, M., Rodriguez-Martinez, V., Paardekooper Overman, J., Overvoorde, J., van Eekelen, M., Jopling, C., Hertog, J.d. (2014) Distinct and Overlapping Functions of ptpn11 Genes in Zebrafish Development. PLoS One. 9:e94884
Faucherre, A., and López-Schier, H. (2014) Dynamic neuroanatomy at subcellular resolution in the zebrafish. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1082:187-195
Faucherre, A., Kissa, K., Nargeot, J., Mangoni, M., and Jopling, C. (2014) Piezo1 plays a role in erythrocyte volume homeostasis. Haematologica. 99(1):70-5
Wilkinson, R.N., Jopling, C., van Eeden, F.J. (2014) Zebrafish as a model of cardiac disease. Progress in molecular biology and translational science. 124:65-91
Faucherre, A., Nargeot, J., Mangoni, M.E., and Jopling, C. (2013) piezo2b Regulates Vertebrate Light Touch Response. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 33(43):17089-17094
Sander, V., Suñe, G., Jopling, C., Morera, C., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. (2013) Isolation and in vitro culture of primary cardiomyocytes from adult zebrafish hearts. Nature Protocols. 8(4):800-809
Jopling, C., Suñè, G., Faucherre, A., Fabregat, C., and Izpisúa Belmonte, J.C. (2012) Hypoxia Induces Myocardial Regeneration in Zebrafish. Circulation. 126(25):3017-3027
Jopling, C., Suñe, G., Morera, C., and Izpisua Belmote, J.C. (2012) p38alpha MAPK regulates myocardial regeneration in zebrafish. Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 11(6):1195-1201
Pujol-Martí, J., Zecca, A., Baudoin, J.P., Faucherre, A., Asakawa, K., Kawakami, K., and Lopez-Schier, H. (2012) Neuronal birth order identifies a dimorphic sensorineural map. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 32(9):2976-2987
Faucherre, A., and López-Schier, H. (2011) Delaying gal4-driven gene expression in the zebrafish with morpholinos and gal80. PLoS One. 6(1):e16587
Pujol-Martí, J., Baudoin, J.P., Faucherre, A., Kawakami, K., and Lopez-Schier, H. (2010) Progressive neurogenesis defines lateralis somatotopy. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 239(7):1919-1930
Faucherre, A., Baudoin, J.P., Pujol-Martí, J., and Lopez-Schier, H. (2010) Multispectral four-dimensional imaging reveals that evoked activity modulates peripheral arborization and the selection of plane-polarized targets by sensory neurons. Development (Cambridge, England). 137(10):1635-1643
Sleep, E., Boué, S., Jopling, C., Raya, M., Raya, A., and Izpisúa Belmonte, J.C. (2010) Transcriptomics approach to investigate zebrafish heart regeneration. Journal of cardiovascular medicine (Hagerstown, Md.). 11(5):369-380
Jopling, C., Sleep, E., Raya, M., Martí, M., Raya, A., and Izpisúa Belmonte, J.C. (2010) Zebrafish heart regeneration occurs by cardiomyocyte dedifferentiation and proliferation. Nature. 464(7288):606-609
Jopling, C., and Izpisúa Belmonte, J.C. (2009) Cilia-Where Two Wnts Collide. Zebrafish. 6(1):15-19
Faucherre, A., Pujol-Martí, J., Kawakami, K., and Lopez-Schier, H. (2009) Afferent neurons of the zebrafish lateral line are strict selectors of hair-cell orientation. PLoS One. 4(2):e4477
Lemeer, S., Jopling, C., Gouw, J.W., Mohammed, S., Heck, A.J., Slijper, M., and den Hertog, J. (2008) Comparative phosphoproteomics of zebrafish Fyn/Yes morpholino knockdown embryos. Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP. 7(11):2176-2187
Jopling, C., van Geemen, D., and den Hertog, J. (2007) Shp2 Knockdown and Noonan/LEOPARD Mutant Shp2-Induced Gastrulation Defects. PLoS Genetics. 3(12):e225
Lemeer, S.M., Ruijtenbeek, R., Pinkse, M.W., Jopling, C., Heck, A.J., den Hertog, J., and Slijper, M. (2007) Endogenous phosphotyrosine signaling in zebrafish embryos. Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP. 6(12):2088-2099
Lemeer, S., Jopling, C., Naji, F., Ruijtenbeek, R., Slijper, M., Heck, A.J., and den Hertog, J. (2007) Protein-tyrosine kinase activity profiling in knock down zebrafish embryos. PLoS One. 2(1):e581
Jopling, C., and den Hertog, J. (2007) Essential role for Csk upstream of Fyn and Yes in zebrafish gastrulation. Mechanisms of Development. 124(2):129-136
Jopling, C., and den Hertog, J. (2005) Fyn/Yes and non-canonical Wnt signalling converge on RhoA in vertebrate gastrulation cell movements. EMBO reports. 6(5):426-431